Tourvashu Jaiswal's Photo

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  • 153 references 98 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Urdu
  • 31, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Software Engineer & Travel content creator
  • Bachelor and Masters
  • From Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I'm Tourvashu from Prayagraj (Allahabad) India, a Software Engineer and I quit my job to Travel the World.
Travelling all over the world and meeting people from different parts of the world is only passion in my life so that we can share our culture, tradition, experiences, knowledge and to have memorable time together.

So far I have travelled more than 60 Countries in 4 different Continents and its still counting 🤞

Even my name starts with "Tour" 😁
I have most unique name. No one else have same name in the entire world.
(Feel free to check out my all travel pictures from different countries all over the world).

My Instagram📷:

My Facebook:

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I believe it's pointless to visit a Country without meeting its natives.
So for me CS is the best platform to meet people/natives all around the world to share and learn local cultures, traditions, history and cuisines and last but not the least to experience a place with the local's eye and vice-versa, coz the entire World is one Family.
And I'm really glad to be part of this community.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam!
"The World Is One Family"


My life is all about traveling the world and meeting natives. I'm most passionate about travelling to different countries, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures & traditions, trying authentic food, cooking Indian & local food, learning and teaching new languages.

  • fitness
  • technology
  • traveling
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • sports
  • hitchhiking
  • programming

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have seen and done so many amazing things and the list is very long..

✅ I have travelled to 15 West African Countries by land border crossing without taking any flight.

📌 I did the most adventurous travel, sitting on the top of the Iron Ore Train which is the World's longest and heaviest train in Sahara Desert, Mauritania.

✅ Completed (9000+ KM) the World's Longest Train Journey: Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia.

📌 Took one of the Longest Domestic Flight in the World of 10000 KM for 10 Hours changing 8 Time Zones.

✅ Travelled and lived in the Coldest City in the World: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia in the Temperature of -50°C.

📌 Travelled, Lived and Hitchhiked in the Coldest Inhabited Place in the World (Pole of Cold), Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia in the Temperature of -65°C.

✅ I have seen the last remaining and the oldest Wonders of the Ancient World:
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt.

📌 I have seen 3/7 Wonders of the World:
Taj Mahal in India,
Petra in Wadi Musa, Jordan,
and The Great Wall of China.

✅ I have seen New Wonders of Nature:
Puerto Princesa Underground River in Philippines and Ha Long Bay in Vietnam.

📌 I have also seen the magical Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis).

✅ Floated on the Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth.

📌 Walked on the Completely Frozen Sea of Japan.

✅ Been to North Pole of the Earth.

📌 Hitchhiked in many countries.

✅ Been to World's most Holy place, JERUSALEM (The most Holy place for Christians and Jews, and third-holiest place in Islam, outside of Mecca and Medina).

📌 Quit my job, traveled the world, met and stayed with strangers.

✅ Traveled more than 60 Countries and still counting.

📌 Seen 4/5 Oceans and traveled 4/7 Continents on Planet Earth.

✅ I have also witnessed and participated in the World's Largest cultural, religious and peaceful gathering: "Kumbh Festival".

📌 Inspired many people to travel the world.

✅ Attended one of the World's largest and most unique Cultural festival in the remote highlands region of Papua New Guinea with more than 100 tribes.

📍Been to some least visited countries in the world.

✅ Attended the World's biggest water fight 3 day festival in Thailand.

And many more..

Teach, Learn, Share

I would love to share and learn Experiences, History, Tradition, Culture, Language, Places and Cuisine from all over the world.

What I Can Share with Hosts

24x7 Helping Hands.
Just ask me anything and I will be more than happy to offer.
I can provide any information that you need related to India and all the Countries where I have traveled and lived.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, England, Fiji, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Togo, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Wales, Western Sahara

Countries I’ve Lived In

Austria, India, United Kingdom

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